Lemon Rx DSMX Compatible 6-Channel Receiver

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Additional Information
  • Weight : 0.10
  • Model : LM0027
  • Out of Stock
  • Type: DSMX Compatible Full Range Receiver
  • Number of Channel: 6
  • Modulation: DSMX Compatible (Also DSM2 backward Compatible)
  • Band: 2.4 GHz
  • Dimension: 25(L) x 18(W) x 11(H) mm
  • Weight: 4.5 grams
  • Voltage Range: 3.45 - 10.2 V

    RCgroups discussion

    Complete user manual for download (PDF)
    Click to download Lemon Rx User Manual.pdf

    Below is the quick online reference manual or additional information about the product. Please download the above pdf for a complete, detailed user manual.

    - FailSafe for all channels via press of a button
    - DSMX Satellite port

    Understanding the receiver

    Setup Instruction

    1) Plug bind plug to the receiver.
    2) Provide power to the unit. LED flashes quickly.
    3) Enable bind mode in transmitter and ensure distance separation of 2 meters from receiver. Solid LED light means binding is completed.
    4) Remove bind plug.

    Failsafe Enable (Video showing 10-Channel receiver)
    1) Plug bind plug to the receiver.
    2) Provide power to the unit.
    3) Plug the side pushbutton for memorize current position in Failsafe mode.
    4) Green light will turn on at the bottom of the receiver to indicate Failsafe is successfully enabled.
    5) Remove bind plug.

    Failsafe Disable (Video showing 10-Channel receiver)
    1) Rebind the receiver without pressing the side pushbutton will disable the Failsafe mode.
    2) Green light off indicates Failsafe disabled.

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